Now, upon this third Dr. Day since the fluid flare arrived, it seems that it may turn out to be a big nothing. I am incredibly grateful that my doctors take everything so seriously. I am delighted that this flare might mean nothing after all. I am learning—slowly, with the application of beatings about the head—to not get so worked up over everything. It really is my doctors’ job to do that. It is hard, though, to stay calm when your entire board is clearly worried. I get better and better at this, Lloyd, and I’m sticking with my trusty t-shirt from now on. *For those who haven't read my December 26th post, that t-shirt reads, "Screw Lloyd")
I have other terrific news to report: Five hundred and thirty four. That is the number of days I went without driving, which came to an end on January seventh. I was shocked when I saw the total number of non-driving days. Considering I only had the one loss-of-consciousness seizure (July 2008), it seemed very surreal. However, even the “word seizures” count, so I was extremely careful to follow the law exactly. The law, naturally, couldn’t care less about when they got around to me, but that is all behind us now, and I didn’t even have to take any tests! It seems that the reviewing doctors get to choose what to require from us, and mine decided I was competent without any driving examination at all. I do have to submit medical reports every three months, but I’m a driver again! I’m taking it very slowly, only driving on surface streets while alone, and doing some practice larger road driving with Mark along. I have to learn to trust myself again.
Tomorrow we are expecting 2 feet of snow, and we are happily prepared to enjoy it. I finished War and Peace last week and just finished Youth in Revolt yesterday. I suppose that is the greatest example I could ever give of eccentricity in taste, and it wasn’t even intentional-LOL. I hope everyone has a terrific time enjoying whatever weather is falling from the sky onto them. Let’s all let our worry levels go down.
Kristina (& Mark)