Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Lloyd Can't Read Update

At my EEG on Friday my technician recognized me immediately; he was the same I had several years ago! That always feels good. The EEG is 70% attaching/removing sticky cords to your head while chatting and 30% lying still trying to sleep. My results were analyzed and sent to Dr. R on Monday, and I received a call late Monday night.

I had several seizures during the test, without knowing it, and so the mystery is solved. Dr. R was not the least bit rattled by my catalog of things I can't do right now (which I LOVE about him), but went straight to work thinking up what drug to add to my list to get me under control. If anyone wants a job writing new drug names, surely there is a market for that. My new drug sounds like Wombat. Almost every drug I take has a well-known faux name among it's users (Dope-O-Max, anyone?).

Hopefully this issue is solved. At the end of the month I see Dr. G for a follow up to make sure nothing is growing. In the meantime, I'm feeling good and thank-you so much to everyone who wished me (wishes!) me well! I really appreciate it ❤️

Kristina (&Mark)

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