Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Kristina Is Out Of Surgery

Mark here. Kristina came out of surgery at around 5:30pm today and she's doing well. She's awake and speaking but in need of some rest.

Our surgeon, Dr. L., informed us that he debulked the tumor successfully. Next we wait for the pathology of what he removed to find out if most of the swelling had to do with her radiation over the summer or new tumor tissue. Due to the quick abatement of her speech problems with the steroids, we're hoping it's the former.

I'm at home right now decompressing and plan to visit Kristina first thing in the morning. She will likely be moved from the neuro critical care unit to a step-down ward at that time as well. I have a good feeling that she will be home by Friday!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Lloyd is Ready For Round Three

I felt so well though the Fall, but then some things changed dramatically. Close to Christmas, my new inability-to-speak came dramatically. Some medicine changes have helped (the kind I hate, "Decadrama"). This week was another MRI of my brain and a visit with Dr. L, one of my favorite doctors who has operated on me twice before. I look forward to seeing him yet again on Tuesday to be operated on for a third time.

I am not afraid of this. This is something I feel that I need so much and I have an excellent team in place. Mark feels as I do. Thank you all for thinking of us. We will let you know more after Tuesday of next week.

With love,

Kristina and Mark ♥