Monday, April 4, 2016

Kristina's Condition Worsenning

Mark here again...
I wanted to let all of Kristina’s friends and family know that her health has declined significantly. In late February Kristina began experiencing symptoms of swelling in her brain. She was admitted to Johns Hopkins hospital. Shortly into her stay she took a sudden turn for the worse from which she has not recovered.
Kristina is currently at home with me under home hospice care. The doctors and nurses don’t know how much time she has left but it’s generally discussed in terms of weeks. She is not in any pain and has been kept very comfortable but is not conscious most of the time. When she does come too it is only for few seconds and she’s minimally responsive. We’re sure that she still hears our voices so we’re talking to her regularly and surround her with love. She is also still able to give me kisses. I cherish every one.
Coping with the feelings of sadness and loss has been difficult but we were all given a hint on how to handle things by Kristina herself. When in the hospital some of us had difficult moment and began crying. Kristina woke up, looked at us and rolled her eyes as if to say, "Come on guys, this is silly." So rather than spending our time crying around Kristina we've been spending it talking about current goings ons and about our memories we share with her.
A friend is helping me set up a site where pictures, wishes and memories can be shared. I'll send out another email when it's ready to use.
Thank you all for the friendship and love you have given to Kristina over the years. I am very thankful for it and I know she is too.


Unknown said...

She's a good lady and your a great husband. Love you both very much.

Delhibelly said...

Mark - please know that you and Kristina are constantly in our thoughts . We wish you all the peace and love you deserve . Jawahar and Leena

Unknown said...

Mark - You, Kristina, and the whole family are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish for you all to feel God's embrace and wish for all the peace and love you can handle (and then some more). I will be looking through my photos and finding some to post to the site when you have it up and running. All the pictures I have will be from when Kristina was a little girl--I hope that they will bring a smile. Love to you all, Mary Costello (Kristina's cousin)

Unknown said...

Mark - So sorry to hear this news. Kristina is such a fantastic woman and you guys are the best couple I've ever known! You are in my thoughts and prayers each day. Please let me know if I can help with anything I'm happy to sit and talk with her anytime. - Suzanne Shaffer (NFB)

Unknown said...

Mum and I love you both.
Gulu and Mum (Aunt Khatu)